v2-Flight Centre

Flight Centre

Flight Centre is Australasia's best known travel agency with more than 2000 businesses in 11 countries. Our team was engaged by Flight Centre to design a progressive and evocative new American headquarters which reflected their unique culture. The result gave their 300 employees an efficient, engaging, and inspiring workplace.

About the project

  • Client: Flight Centre

  • Industry: Travel

  • Contributions/Role: Environmental Graphic Design (EGD), mural, lighting design

  • Specs: 70,000 sqft

  • Tags:

    • corporate office

    • open floor plan

    • travel agency

Flight Centre is Australasia's best known travel agency with more than 2000 shops and businesses in 11 countries. The Americas business is Flight Centre’s largest operation outside Australia and consists of more than 550 shops and businesses across the leisure, corporate and wholesale travel sectors.

Our team was engaged by Flight Centre to design a progressive and evocative new American headquarters which reflected their unique culture and gave their 300 employees an efficient, engaging, and inspiring workplace. The new location covers 70,000 sf of office space over one and a half floors. The wide-open floor plan resulted in just a few walled offices or conference rooms, so our strategy took full advantage of all available vertical (and a few horizontal) surfaces.
